Blogs, Sustainability

Taking Action for the Sustainable Development Goals

On September 25th, Sallaum Lines will be taking part in the SDG Flag Day campaign to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and demonstrate its support for the 2030 Agenda. By raising an SDG Flag, Sallaum Lines aims to encourage organizations, businesses, municipalities, schools, and governments across the world to showcase their commitment to the Global Goals and take action to combat major global challenges such as climate change, poverty, gender inequality, lack of access to education, and poor work, among many.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, embraced by all nations in the United Nations in 2015, serves as a collective roadmap toward a more sustainable and equitable global future. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are central to this agenda, which represent a pressing call for immediate action to eliminate poverty, safeguard the environment, and foster peace and well-being for everyone. These goals encompass various issues, including climate change, education, gender equality, and access to clean water and sanitation.

By signing the Global Compact Commitment, Sallaum Lines has committed to advancing these vital objectives as official members of the United Nations Global Compact Switzerland & Liechtenstein. To bring this pledge to life, we integrate the principles of the UN Global Compact and its values into our business strategy, daily operations, and organizational culture. This entails ensuring that the principles are an integral part of our decision-making processes, especially at the highest levels of leadership.

To put its commitment into action, Sallaum Lines has initiated a concrete SDG Action Plan, ensuring widespread participation across its global network of offices. This comprehensive effort includes the active engagement of all Sallaum Lines employees, spanning offices located in Switzerland, Belgium, Dubai, and Lebanon. An ambitious effort has been made on Friday, August 25th, 2023, where our organization conducted an impactful SDG Awareness Workshop. During this workshop, all Sallaum Lines employees from around the world were actively involved by gaining a deeper understanding of  the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To cultivate a deeper understanding and engagement, Sallaum Lines employees were divided into teams, each assigned to a particular SDG. These teams diligently delved into their respective SDGs by researching, analyzing, and crafting informative presentations to explain and share their findings with their colleagues. This interactive workshop not only raised awareness but also encouraged active participation and knowledge-sharing among our dedicated workforce, aligning our organization more closely with the UN Global Compact and its principles.

Sallaum Lines has aligned its sustainability efforts with six specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) intricately tailored to the company’s industry and responsibilities. By concentrating our efforts on these SDGs, we not only contribute to global sustainability objectives but also address the unique challenges and opportunities within the maritime industry, affirming our commitment to responsible and environmentally conscious practices. They are as follows:

  • SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-being: Sallaum Lines’ commitment to this goal involves ensuring the health and well-being of its seafaring workforce by implementing robust safety protocols, access to healthcare, and mental health support, given the demanding nature of the shipping industry.
  • SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation: This goal means ensuring responsible water usage onboard vessels through efficient management, implementing advanced water purification systems to ensure safe drinking water for crews and passengers, and actively reducing water pollution by adhering to strict environmental standards.
  • SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy: Sallaum Lines can contribute to this goal by investing in energy-efficient technologies for its fleet and adopting renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs in the shipping industry.
  • SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production: This goal entails optimizing cargo loading to reduce fuel consumption, minimizing waste, and adopting sustainable practices to mitigate its environmental footprint.
  • SDG 14 – Life Below Water: Given the maritime focus, Sallaum Lines’ contribution involves preventing marine pollution through proper waste disposal practices, actively supporting conservation efforts aimed at preserving underwater ecosystems, and complying with international regulations to protect marine life and the balance of marine ecosystems.
  • SDG 15 – Life on Land: This means taking measures to prevent the spread of invasive species via shipping, promoting reforestation, and minimizing the ecological impact of land-based activities in port areas to protect terrestrial ecosystems.

During the workshop, teams kickstart their involvement by delving into a research phase, striving to comprehend the root causes and intricacies associated with their assigned SDG. They engage in brainstorming sessions to generate innovative project ideas aimed at resolving or mitigating the challenges linked to their specific goal.

Following the workshop, teams are granted the opportunity to pitch their project proposals and secure funding for implementation. The allocation of funding is based on the quality and feasibility of their proposals, emphasizing the necessity for projects that directly contribute to their designated SDGs.

The SDG Challenge incorporates a system of incentives to motivate and recognize the dedication and impact of participating teams:
The Best Idea Award honors the team with the most groundbreaking and impactful project proposal.
The Implementation Success Reward is awarded to teams that successfully execute their projects, meeting predefined milestones. They receive monetary incentives or bonuses as acknowledgment of their tangible contributions to the SDGs.

Notably, the SDG Challenge transcends a one-off initiative; it fosters a commitment to long-term social responsibility. Teams are encouraged to persist in their efforts, ensuring the sustainability and scalability of their projects beyond the initial phase.

This comprehensive approach to the SDG Challenge not only engages employees in meaningful endeavors aligned with global sustainability objectives but also nurtures an enduring dedication to projects that have a lasting impact on our communities and the world. As we board on this transformative journey towards a sustainable future, we invite you to stay tuned for updates on our initiatives and the impact we’re making in our industry and beyond. Together, we can shape a better, more sustainable world.